Nutritional Guidelines for Healthy Eating and Living Part 1

Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate.  The BMR is the minimal number of calories per day that your body burns and or needs to sustain normal bodily functions at rest.  Here is a link that will help you estimate the minimal number of calories that you need everyday, even when you are trying to lose weight

The above calculation does not take into consideration lean body mass.  The more lean muscle your body has, the faster your metabolism or the more calories your body will need.  On the other end of the spectrum, the less lean body mass/muscle you have the less calories your body needs.

Just one of many reasons a prescribed resistance training program is essential to build lean muscle.(Read Muscling Up for other benefits).  Around age 25 our metabolism starts to decline unless we are consistently involved in resistance training.

Muscling Up, Not Just for Muscle Heads

Muscling up: Better health through strength training

Strength training is a system of conditioning involving lifting weights especially for strength and endurance.

Benefits of Strength Training aka Resistance Training:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Reduces body fat
  • Prevents muscle loss due to aging
  • Increases bone mineral density which helps prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Speeds up your digestion which decreases you risk for colon cancer
  • Reduces you resting bloodpressure
  • Relieve lower back pain
  • Reduces arthritis pain
  • Good for injury prevention from strong muscles and joints
  • Improved balance, flexibility, mobility, and stability
  • Decreased risk for heart disease
  • You will look and feel better

Guidelines to weight training:

  • 2- 3 times per week doing
    8-10 exercises with one set of each at 10 -15 repetitions.
  • Warm up by walking on the treadmill or riding the bike before you lift weights.
  • Slowly work up to lifting heavy weights otherwise you may injure yourself.
  • Go through a complete range of motion, move slowly, and with control, breath, maintain a neutral spine. Don’t sacrifice your form just to lift heavier weights.
  • Unlike aerobic training heart rate is not a good way to determine your intensity during weight training so listen to your body and base it on how much you are exerting yourself.
  • Strength training is recommended to be one hour of less.
  • Each muscle you train should be rested for one to two days before being worked again so the muscle can rebuild itself.
  • “No pain, no gain” This is not necessarily true and can be dangerous.  Know that your body will adapt to strength training and body soreness will reduce each time you work out.
  • Always breathe rhythmically, exhaling through the mouth as you perform the work.  Holding your breath can increase your blood pressure.
  • Always make sure you stretch after your workouts.

Exercise Prescriptions and Programs Call Nick @ 919-805-1111  or